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We suggest pepperoni and cheese for the classic taste but you can pick any one ingredient we put on pizza to go inside with mozzarella cheese and a side of our amazing sauce.
Plenty of pizza for 4 people!
We know pizza should be from the heart... "The Heart of Mexico" San Miguel de Allende, GTO.
Sicilian roots, born in Brooklyn NY. Moved Upstate (Oneonta) 1972 & family started Joe Ruffino's Pizzeria & Rest. Making pizzas at Ruffino's at the age of 12. Since 2017 we have been serving the San Miguel area, come in and meet the PIZZAGUY.
My lovely wife Ana, after a valiente battle with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) went to be with our Lord and Savior on March 11, 2023. Our dream was to make the best pizza possible in SMA & I will continue that dream in her honor. Forever be, my always ❤️
Rest In Peace Mi Amor - I Love You 🙏 Nov. 20, 1973 - March 11, 2023
When my dear friend Lee Carter asked if my best buddy, Stanley Levinson and I were up to the task of creating a stained glass window for the chapel of the new Hospice Center, we were ecstatic... And a little nervous, I was anyway, not Stanley. He has been producing some of the most exquisite pieces of stained glass for over 25 years.
This beautiful design by Stanley stands as a memorial to my late wife Ana. She loved Stanley and his wife Carole and always hoped I would take stained glass lessons with him. I do and I thank him for making this possible.
Stanley, Carole and their family have taking in my lost soul, to love and to hold ever since Ana past. I will never be able to express the gratitude I have for them. None of this would have been possible without them... Thank you Amigos!
Special thanks to Lee Carter (who believed in me and that we could do it) the Hospice Care Mitigare Board and all my dear friends in my club, Midday Rotary Club San Miguel de Allende. With the constant support and love from all involved this dream was possible!
The geometric abstract shapes in the stained glass represents the Mexican plant of life, maize(corn). Corn in Mexico goes back over 9,000 years. The Aztecs and the Mayans considered corn sacred and worshiped it. In the Pohol Vuh, mankind is fashioned from white and yellow corn, demonstrating that corn has transcendent importance in Mayan culture. Corn was the first plant to be domesticated in Mexico and symbolized the creation of humanity. Today corn is the mainstay of food in every Mexican home.
Each lower panel contains three corn plants. The lowest section indicates the earth, the middle indicates the husk and the next indicates the kernels. The yellow represents the sun. each top panel represents the silk of the corn against the clear glass, viewing the sky.
The gift of this work was given by Stanley Levinson & I though my Rotary Club. You too can support this wonderful facility. Click on this link to find out more.
Two doors down from PANIO on Salida de Celaya. Join us to Eat In, Take-Out, Curbside Pickup or FREE Delivery*. Stop by and checkout our bright & clean shop. We have been here 7 years and counting. Thank you!!
Joe Ruffino💙
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